
  • 不要用", 双引号在SQL中有不同的含义
  • 在单引号里面是大小写敏感的, 但是SQL的关键字本身是不敏感的
  • 对于count函数, 如果传入的参数是*, 则统计该表的总行数(不管有没有缺失值), 如果传入的参数是某一个属性名, 则统计的是该属性中除去缺失值之外的个数, MAX, AVG等会自动忽略缺失值
  • INSERT INTO <table> VALUES <values>, UPDATE <table> SET <values> WHERE <conditions>, DELETE FROM <table> WHERE <conditions>
  • CREATE TABLE <table> (<attr1>, <type1>, ...), 注意PRIMARY KEY, NOT NULL, DEFAULT <default_value>, references <table>(<attr>)的使用, 以及DROP TABLE

    create table Person (
        license integer primary key, -- 不要漏逗号
        name varchar(50) not null
    ); -- 不要漏分号
    create table Car (
        regno char(6) primary key,
        model varchar(30),
        driver integer references person(license)
    create table Studio (
        studio_id integer primary key,
        name varchar(50) not null,
        address varchar(100),
        country char(2) not null references Country(short_code)
    • 范围条件判断, BETWEEN, IN, =, >, >=, <, <=
    SELECT *
        FROM Enrolled
    WHERE grade IN ('CR', 'D', 'HD');
    SELECT *
    FROM Student
    WHERE age BETWEEN 20 and 25;
  • 逻辑连接, OR, AND

    SELECT *
        FROM Student
    WHERE (age = 19 OR age = 20)
        AND (age = 19 OR address = 'Bondi')
        AND (age = 20 OR address = 'Newtown')
        AND (address = 'Newtown' OR address = 'Bondi');
